Omar Al-Ghazzi (University of Pennsylvania): “The Mnemonic Battles of the Arab Uprisings: The Case of the War over Flags in Syria”
Michael Allan (University of Oregon)
Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (Philipps Universität Marburg): “Family Memories and Urban Areas as Contested Spaces – Being Young and South Arabian in Aden (Southern Yemen)”
Jamal Bahmad (Philipps Universität Marburg): “Beyond the Arab Spring: Youth, Social Change and the Politics of Realism in Contemporary Maghrebi Cinema”
Martin Baumeister (German Historical Institute in Rome/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Koenraad Bogaert (Ghent Universiteit): “Urban Politics in Morocco: A Political Economy of Uneven Development”
Ines Braune (Philipps Universität Marburg): “Parkour: Claiming Public Space in Morocco”
Nancy Demerdash (Princeton University): “Razing Gourbivilles and Decolonizing Space: Bourguibist Spatial Politics in Post-Independet Tunisia”
Emily Drumsta (University of California, Berkeley): “Inconstant Constantine: Physical Landscapes and Literary Paradigms in Algerian Fiction from the 1990s”
Badouin Dupret (the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)/Centre Jacques-Berque in Rabat, Morocco)
Meriem El-Haitami (Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah): “Islamist Feminism in Morocco: (Re)defining the Political Public Space”
Hatim El Hibri (American University Beirut): “The Before / After Shot: Solidere’s Corporate Films, and the Work of Images in Postwar Beirut”
Mohamed Elshahed (New York University): “Producing the Public: Space, Media and Participation”
Dina El-Sharnouby (Freie Universität Berlin / Cairo): “What Happend to the Revolutionary Youth after the January 25th Revolution? – A Comparative Study on Egyptian Youth Groups”
Mohammed Ezzeldin (City University of New York): “Violence, Neoliberalism and the Production of Slums in Cairo”
Gretchen Head (University of California, Berkeley): “Contesting the City: Dissident Writing in the Final Decade of Ben Ali’s Rule”
Sarah Jurkiewicz (ZMO Berlin): “In Search of Urban Involvement—Cultural Activism in Kuwait City”
Özlem Köksal (London): “Narratives of Takism and the Gezi Protests in Visual Culture”
Mehmet Kuymulu (City University of New York): “The Geography of Turkey’s Urban Uprising: Placing Protest in a Transregional Perspective”
Perrine Lachenal (CNRS / Aix-Marseille Université): “Learning Self-Defense in Revolutionary Cairo: Gender, Class and the Economy of Violence”
Nora Lafi (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)
Amri Moosavi (New York University): “Cities at War: The City, Writer and the Limits of Fiction from the Iran-Iraq War”
Rachid Ouaissa (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS))
Friederike Pannewick (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS))
Jimena Ponce de Leon (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento): “Youth and Street Art: Strategies Developed in a Changing City”Centre Jaques Berque)
Stefano Portelli (Università di Roma): “The Social Impact of Urban Renewal in Peripheral Neighbourhoods: Comparative Ethnography in Mediterranean Cities”
Zakaria Rhani (Université Mohamed V /Centre Jacques-Berque in Rabat, Morocco)
Christoph Schwarz (Philipps Universität Marburg): “Political Activism under Authoritarian Rule. Historical and Family Narratives of Young Protesters in Morocco and Tunisia”
Nicholas Simcik Arese (University of Oxford): “Comming -ing the Compound: Conceptions of Citizenship and Ownership as Poverty Frontierism in the Squatting of Cairo’s Gated Suburbs”
Dimitris Soudias (Philipps Universität Marburg): “Theorizing a ‘Sociology of The Square’: Space, Habitus, and Liminality in the 2011 Occupations of Tahrir and Syntagma Square”
Cristiana Strava (SOAS, University of London): “At Home with Modernity: Exploring Place-Making on the Margins of Casablanca”
Maaike Voorhoeve (Rechtkulturen Fellow / Amsterdam): “Controlling Bodies, Controlling Space: The Case of the Lew Prohibiting Sexual Harassment in Tunisia”
Deniz Yonucu (Cornell University): “From Center to Margin: Rethinking the Gezi Uprising with Istanbul’s Alevi Neighbourhoods”