Report on “Conflict and Mobility in the City” in the Re-Configurations Newsletter

by Jamal Bahmad

Summer Academy Rabat Photo: Georges Khalil under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Summer Academy Rabat
Photo: Georges Khalil under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The EUME Summer Academy 2014 “Conflict and Mobility in the City: Urban Space, Youth and Social Transformations” took place at Ecole de Gouvernance et d’Economie (EGE) in Rabat, Morocco from 25 August through 5 September 2014. The Summer Academy was organized within the framework of “Europe in the Middle East – the Middle East in Europe” (EUME), a research program at the Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin. The Academy was organized in close cooperation with the research network” Re-Configurations. History, Remembrance and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa.” The aim was to explore current transformations in North Africa and the Middle East through interdisciplinary perspectives and research methods in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences.

The Summer Academy brought together over 30 doctoral and postdoctoral scholars as well as more established scholars from more than fifteen countries to discuss their research projects and debate topics of interest over a period of two weeks. On the basis of the participants’ ongoing research projects, debates occurred in thematically structured groups and panel discussions on questions relating to youth, social movements, and protests, and urban and social transformations in the Arab World, Argentina, Greece, Spain, Turkey and Iran. Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers presented their current research projects and benefited from the feedback of their colleagues and the senior scholars in an international and multidisciplinary setting. Each participant also chaired a thematic discussion based on one or two texts relating to his or her research interests.

The Summer Academy also included two afternoon panels led by representatives of the two Marburg-based research networks Re-Configurations and “Figures of Thought | Turning Points. Cultural Practice and Social Change in the Arab World.” Local scholars were invited to give talks at the Summer Academy. Zakaria Rhani (Mohammed V University) discussed Moroccan youth and the will to secularization through a focus on cartoons during the 2011 uprisings. Najib Bounahai (Ibn Toufail University and EGE) explained about the politics of performance and the performativity of politics in revolutionary North Africa. Finally, Mohamed Tozy (EGE and Université de Provence) delivered a talk on current social transformations and the ethnic return in Casablanca.

Jamal Bahmad is a research fellow at “Re-Configurations. History, Remembrance and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa” at the Philipps-Universität Marburg. The text was published in the second newsletter of the research network :


Stefanie Rentsch

Stefanie Rentsch; "Communication and Publications" at the Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin.

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Stefanie Rentsch (October 29, 2014). Report on “Conflict and Mobility in the City” in the Re-Configurations Newsletter. eume-city. Retrieved December 5, 2024 from

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